After years of subjecting myself to argument shows on cable news, I've noticed that many Right Wingers rely on the politeness of those who oppose their views, and so easily deliver condescending messages with rudeness and a smile.
Perhaps we can change that just a little bit?
Tonight on Joe Scarborough Country, a gentleman from Citizens for Legitimate Government, Michael Rechtenwald, had a blow up over the tainted election on Nov. 2. And Bravo to you, sir.
<>I'm not advocating regular meltdowns, but certainly those who appear on these slug-fests can arrive better equipped?
As The MSM begins to discuss the problems with this most recent vote, the Republican spin monsters will use ridicule as a tool. the Tin-foil, conspiracy-theory insults are already rehearsed and ready to fly.
May I suggest to any of you who may find yourselves in one of these fine wrestling contests a way to meet force with force?
Alright then.
When fellow guests are cheerfully ridiculing the voting rights of millions of Americans, why not ask:
"What is it you dislike about the idea of a fair and accountable voting system?"
Or say: "YOU OBVIOUSLY have little care for how SACRED voting is to Americans. please do not belittle the concerns of millions of Americans.
Or this "Soldiers ARE DYING and have died to PROTECT the vote. Please show some RESPECT."
Always, always, always turn the situation to point out THEIR disrespect for the vote and how un-American it makes them appear.
From my observations, that is how Republican Headquarters instructs their foot soldiers. Say it always, and over and over again.
It's time for Dems and Greens and Libertarians and Republicans who are concerned about the vote to speak as a Greek Chorus.
Anyone else have helpful suggestions for those brave souls who will be facing the lying, er LION'S den of Republican operatives in the following weeks?
What else might one say?