Libreals need to take the moral offense on many things...It's the only way to stop the immoral fundie authoritarian juggernaught. THE MORAL OFFENSIVE
Unless we present a morality that's superior to what I call the "pro-force" side, all other justifications for abortion will be continually eroded and our right to choose endangered. Instead of continuing to talk past each other, we must confront the religious right on the turf it wishes to monopolize morality. We must challenge their polemic that depicts the act of abortion as immoral. The time is ripe to offer a powerfully articulated alternative moral view of abortion itselfnot just of reducing the need for it. We cannot take the moral offensive to protect womens choice until we present abortion as a moral, positive act.
Many will argue that lowering the rate of unwanted pregnancies should be the top priority. I believe it should be a top priority. I also think that womens having unimpeded access to abortion is a prerequisite for the social changes needed to bring education and consciousness into the whole arena of reproduction. The essential reason for this is that freedom to choose the direction of ones life enables more women to consciously participate in the social, political spheres. Only by women being able to determine their reproductive destinies will the social climate begin to change and the need for abortion lessen. This alone gives women the protection needed in an imperfect world.