probably mostly for his own protection, plus, have you noticed that is where he gives all of his speeches, surrounded by the military. One reason for this . . . the military cannot speak out in public against the Commander and Chief, even if they loathe him. Otherwise, they will be brought up on charges of treason. They have no opinion now that they are in the military, they have to cheer this man no matter WHAT he says.
Of course, annonymously, when they spill the truth, it is pathetic what this administration has done to these soldiers, or more importantly, the lack of a support system at home, if they are ever lucky enough to
I will never forget a picture I saw on one site (I wish I had kept it but I could not stomach it). It showed a U.S. Marine holding what was left of a baby girl's body. I knew it was a girl because of the dress. He was holding the baby under her dead arms and handing her off to someone else (family, another military member, I cannot remember). The horror that was not only the death of this innocent child was the fact that in the pictures, her dress was soaked in blood because she no longer had a head. I'll never forget that picture. It looked like a little doll that some kid had pulled its head off. I think that should be NEWSWEEK's or TIMES' person of the year . . . the innocent victims.