Around 2000 I bought a security system called the Dubya-9000. I was told it was better than the Gore-8000. Little did I know, I was lied to.
The Dubya-9000 was inneffient, it cost a lot of power and a lot of money to run, but I thought these heavy expenses to my household meant my System was running just fine, I was wrong.
Around July of 2001, the Dubya-9000 was logging threats to the system but failed to tell me. Up in the top room of my house, I had millions of priceless and precious antique little people. And, in September of 2001 lost 3000 of these precious little people to people who had broken into my house. I was devastated, and I told the Dubya-9000 to do what it needed to do. The Dubya-9000 then used it's technological mumbo-jumbo and blew up a house down the street called Afghanistan. The criminals escaped though. The Dubya-9000 then pointed at a house called Iraq and blew it up too. Yes, a real jerk lived there, but now I have to pay to rebuild both of the houses called Afghanistan and Iraq, and it could take years to do.
The good part of the story is that on November of 2004 I got rid of the Dubya-9000. But, why can't the American People get rid of their Dubya?