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Can we start a collection of inane quotes from the right wingers?

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bobweaver Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 02:27 PM
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Can we start a collection of inane quotes from the right wingers?
Edited on Wed Dec-08-04 02:42 PM by bobweaver
Here are some more for the collection:

"You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might want or wish to have." - Donald Rumsfeld to disgruntled troops, Dec. 8, 2004

"I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman." - Arnold Schwarzenegger, August 27, 2003.

All of the rest here are Rush Limbaugh quotes:

on Blacks:
"Why should Blacks be heard? They're 12% of the population. Who the hell cares."

‘Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.’
Source:Notable Quotables,

on Feminism:
"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society."

- on Indians and VD:
"I don't give a hoot that (Columbus) gave some Indians a disease that they didn't have immunity against" (Ought to Be, p. 45).

- on Jesse Jackson:
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?" Source:Notable Quotables,

- on NAACP:
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies" (radio; reported in the Flush Rush Quarterly, January 1993).

"We have more trees in this country today than when the Declaration of Independence was written. The wackos will tell you that's impossible."
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genieroze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 02:39 PM
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1. Anything Bush says. eom
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bryant69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 02:46 PM
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2. Ann Coulter Quotes
Edited on Wed Dec-08-04 02:47 PM by bryant69
"If liberals cared about ideas or knew any facts, they would cease being liberals.” - February 20, 2003

"Liberals are no longer a threat to the nation. The new media have defeated them with free speech – the very freedom these fifth columnists hide behind whenever their speech gets them in hot water with the American people. Today, the truth is instantly available on the Internet, talk radio and Fox News Channel." - April 10, 2003

“American girls aren’t good enough for Frenchy (Kerry). We don’t think he’s so hot either.” - May 8, 2003

“The key to the U.N.’s global warming study was man’s use of aerosol spray. You have to know the French were involved in a study concluding that Arrid Extra Dry is destroying the Earth. In a world in which everyone smelled, the French would be at no disadvantage. Aerosol spray. How convenient.” - May 29, 2003

“Manifestly, there is no civil-liberties crisis in this country. Consequently, people who claim there is must have a different goal in mind. What else can you say of such people but that they are traitors?” - July 17, 2003

“Since Wesley Clark entered the race, Democrats have been salivating over the prospect of a presidential candidate who is a four-star general, and has the politics of Susan Sarandon! Clark’s entry into the race was seen as a setback for John Kerry, the only other Democratic contender with combat experience. (Although back in the 1970s, Dennis Kucinich served in the Kiss Army.)” October 2, 2003

Some of the dates might be off by a day or so.

Check it out-->

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nostamj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 03:35 PM
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3. there's already a book out
of nothing but RW quotes. can't think of the title but someone must know it.
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