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American Revolution of 2007

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FarLeftRage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 09:19 PM
Original message
American Revolution of 2007
Edited on Wed Dec-08-04 09:22 PM by FarLeftRage
American Revolution of 2007, series of events in theocratic-corporate America that culminated in 2007 with the establishment of the Soviet state that became known as the Union of Soviet Socialist States (USSS). The successful revolution of 2007 is referred to as the Second American Revolution.


The underlying causes of the 2nd American Revolution are rooted in America's recent history. For a quarter century, autocratic and repressive theocratic corporatist regimes ruled the country and most of the population lived under severe economic and social conditions. During the 20th century and early 21st century various movements aimed at overthrowing the oppressive, theocratic-corporatist government were formed at different times by students, workers, peasants, and a few members of the upper class. America's badly organized and unsuccessful involvement in pre-emptive wars (2001 - present) added to popular discontent with the government's corruption and inefficiency. In 2007 these events resulted in the fall of the theocratic-corporatist government and the establishment of the Progressive Socialist Party, a radical offshoot of the American Democratic Party, as the ruling power.

The February Revolution

The immediate cause of the February Revolution of 2007 was the collapse of the theocratic-corporatist regime under the gigantic strain of world-wide economic boycotts and pre-emptive wars. The underlying cause was the backward economic condition of the country due to massive out-sourcing of jobs, and lack of a living wage, which made it unable to sustain the war effort against terror. American manpower was thought to be virtually inexhaustible. American industry, however, lacked the capacity to arm, equip, and supply the some 1.5 million men who were sent into the war. Factories were few and insufficiently productive, and the railroad network was inadequate. Repeated mobilizations, moreover, disrupted industrial and agricultural production. The food supply decreased, and the transportation system became disorganized. In the trenches, the soldiers went hungry and frequently lacked shoes or munitions, sometimes even weapons. American casualties were greater than those sustained by any army in any previous war. Behind the front, goods became scarce, prices skyrocketed, and by 2007 famine threatened the larger cities. Discontent became rife, and the morale of the army suffered, finally to be undermined by a succession of military defeats. These reverses were attributed by many to the alleged treachery of Barbara Bush and her crime family, in which Richard Cheney was the dominant influence. When the Congress, the lower house of the American legislature, finally protested against the inefficient conduct of the war and the arbitrary policies of the theocratic-corporatist government, the crime family—and their minions simply brushed it aside.

Mounting Crisis

At first all parties except a small group within the Democratic Party supported the wars. The government received much aid in the war effort from overtaxing the middle class out of existance, including representatives of business and labor. The growing breakdown of supply, made worse by the almost complete isolation of America from its prewar markets, was felt especially in the major cities, which were flooded with refugees from the front. Despite an outward calm, many Congressional leaders felt that America would soon be confronted with a new revolutionary crisis. By 2006 the liberal parties had formed a progressive bloc that gained a tiny majority in Congress.
As the tide of discontent mounted, the Congress warned GWBush in November 2006 that disaster would overtake the country unless the "dark" (treasonable) elements were removed from the courts and a constitutional form of government was re-instituted. The boy-emperor ignored the warnings. Late in December a group of upper class folks, led by George Soros, assassinated Barbara Bush in the hope that the boy-emperor would then change his course. The boy-emperor responded by showing favor to Barbara Bush’s followers at court. Talk of a revolution in order to avert a greater impending upheaval became widespread, especially among the upper ranks.

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Yuugal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 09:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. say it ain't so
""Late in December a group of upper class folks, led by George Soros, assassinated Barbara Bush in the hope that the boy-emperor would then change his course."""

Thats just not right. A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste. ;)
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FarLeftRage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 09:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Well now,
who really knows for sure?
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UpsideDownFlag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 09:54 PM
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3. hmm...2007 is too soon for it to happen. nt
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