Black kids rewarded for face-washing
Patricia Karvelas
December 09, 2004
MEMBERS of John Howard's new National Indigenous Council were asked at their inaugural meeting yesterday to consider radical plans to put black communities on behavioural contracts in return for healthcare, education, dole money and services.
A leaked draft of one agreement obtained by Labor's indigenous affairs spokesman Kim Carr shows Aboriginal children in the Kimberley will be forced to wash their faces twice a day in return for the Howard Government installing petrol bowsers in their town.
Under the "shared responsibility" contract with the Mulan community, the Government would supply $172,260 to provide and install the fuel bowsers. In return, the community will have to make sure their children shower every day, get to school on time, and must keep their homes rubbish-free. They also have to promise that petrol sold at the bowsers will not be used for sniffing.
Senator Carr branded the plan draconian. "The shared agreements turn out not to be so shared after all, but rather unbalanced and one-sided."
Labor accused the Government of gagging council members and only allowing the chairwoman, Sue Gordon, to speak publicly.,5744,11634063%255E2702,00.html