If he is slandered or f'ed with in anyway we should nail the bastard's doing it. Rummy's answer was laughable ......transport the unprotected Humvee's on unprotected freight trucks... Another brilliant move from the inner circle of the tri fecta running the country into the ground, Rummy, Cheney and to a lesser extent their errand boy Dubya. After watching him with this MAN date, which I really think he hates saying cause it links him to the Homo's. Man Dates? Anyway he is so lost, he is so uninformed, and so stupid. I only expect the mindless rambling speeches to get worse anymore. Wake up America and realize ya f'ed up by giving these goons 4 more years to kill us all! They have a plan for it I'm sure of it!!!!!
4 More years to destroy ever man women girl and boy and to bring the Constitution's framers to tears. We nee a massive impeachment movement for waging illegal and immoral war. They got The Big Man for getting his knob shined these fools are killing people for their pleasure.
The kids on 60 minutes tonight who fled to Canada are the hero's here. We should start some kind of defense fund for them! The anti war movement has got to grow and FAST! They are sending little old ladies and Grandpas to fight now! When will enough be enough to the American people?
RedTail Wolf