From The Times Mirror
Dec 6 2004
Dec 6 2004
By Daniel Thomas And Greig Box
BNP members who mistakenly hired a black DJ for their Christmas party proved yesterday they were not just racist but STUPID.
Official Bob Garner said: "There was a bit of a cock-up. The chap who booked him didn't realise. The DJ sounded white on the phone."
Some members of the far right group were so outraged by the blunder they walked out of the hotel where their party was staged.
And those that stayed had to keep their bigoted beliefs secret instead of parading them in end of year speeches.
"A lot of people weren't happy - I wasn't, really - and one or two walked out. But some younger members thought it was a bit ironic and danced away the night.
"Traditionally someone stands and says what's happened in the year or in the elections. But it was a bit difficult to say we were even the BNP. We even had to be careful what we said when we did the raffle so we didn't offend this guy.
"No one expressed any ill-feeling towards the DJ. They didn't insult him or pick on him. Some walked out - but so what?
"But as a party we don't have any animosity towards particular individuals. Our gripe is that the indigenous people feel our city is being overtaken by internationalism."
Here's what I find fascinating:
You've got a bunch of guys who say they hate black people.
And then you get ONE black person in a whole room full of their Nazi friends.
What happens? They're all afraid to be RUDE to the black man! They won't even
give their speeches that say who they are or what they do, because they don't
want to make this ONE Black man uncomfortable!
How can you have a "hate group" that doesn't want the people they "hate" to feel
Maybe, if they would stop talking about BLACKS and just think about one black
PEOPLE, one black PERSON at a time, they would realize how stupid they are!
If they can feel bad about making one individual black person feel bad, why
can't they realize that when they hate the whole group, they're making a
milions of individual black people feel bad
And what happened then...? England they say
That the Nazis' small hearts
Grew three sizes that day!