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Schwarzenegger vs. patient care

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bobweaver Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:49 PM
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Schwarzenegger vs. patient care
Edited on Thu Dec-09-04 01:54 PM by bobweaver
If you live in California, don't believe for one minute the commercials that are currently bombarding the airwaves, that show a nurse "thanking" Schwarzenegger. What he is trying to do hurts both nurses and patients, and only helps hospitals and HMOs to make more profits. My friend is an RN here in California and hates Schwarzenegger with a passion because of this. It is an attempt to reduce the quality of patient care so that for-profit hospitals and HMOs can make even more obscene profits. Schwarzenegger is siding with the hospitals and HMOs in trying to reduce nurse-to-patient ratios. This always reduces the quality of patient care and creates additional stress on the nursing staff. The whole reason for it is to increase profits for the HMOs and for-profit hospitals. Even though they try to twist it around and say it's for patient access to care or whatever, that's a lie. It's for profits. Schwarzenegger has sided with business interests on everything, so this is no suprise. The TV commercials are just sickening. They found some nurse who was willing to go on camera saying "thank you" to Schwarzenegger. I can't believe that she would screw herself that way by promoting what Schwarzenegger and the HMOs want to do. They must have paid her off big time. It's sickening, really. In reality, Schwarzenegger is promoting lower standards of patient care, and many stuidies have shown that this excaberates illnesses and increases mortality rates in hospitals. Schwarzenegger is completely hopeless as a governor, and anyone who supports him is a fool - or else a greedy, selfish business owner.
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PROGRESSIVE1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:50 PM
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1. Arnie should go back to Austria!
We don't need anymore crap over here!

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Sequoia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:55 PM
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2. Ahnold thinks nurses are special interest groups and he's gonna
kick their butts. That's right Nazi boy, violence against women. You never change.
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