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Bad dog! Hawai'i public schools considering drug dogs

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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:49 PM
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Bad dog! Hawai'i public schools considering drug dogs

A Board of Education committee will discuss Monday whether public schools should be allowed to use contraband-sniffing dogs as a way to deter drug, alcohol and gun use on campus....

A proposal to require drug testing for public school students failed in the past legislative session. In the debate over that idea, state and school officials and others raised questions about costs, effectiveness, civil rights and need. Mid-Pacific Institute, another private school, is considering a voluntary drug-testing program....

Laine Higa, a junior at Castle High School, said drug-sniffing dogs should be allowed on campus as a way to reduce substance abuse. But Mika Bailey, a junior at Kahuku High and Intermediate, doesn't like the idea....

Dogs and police running around the school looking for drugs is frightening and would be disruptive, she said. "Everyone would be freaking out," she said.

I'm confused. If dogs can sniff out guns, shouldn't they be at the airport instead of high school? Also note that although the headline refers to "drug-sniffing dogs", they're going after alcohol as well.

One wonders how such a proposal could even have been introduced in our legislature, which is dominated by Dems. Then again, it was a Dem who tried to bring in the death penalty (we've never had it) after a high-profile murder last year. Sheesh.

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2bfree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 01:50 PM
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1. We had them when I was in high school.............
And that was 20 years ago. No big deal and people started keeping their drugs at home which was a good thing.
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