Our movement to deny a fraudlently secured electoral college victory to
George W. Bush and our efforts to expose deception in the vote casting and
counting on election day are gaining tremendous momentum:
1. Among the briefest statements of our case is my editorial in today's
Baltimore Sun entitled Silencing the Vote
http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bal-op.election09dec09,0,3131082.story?coll=bal-oped-headlinesIf you want a slightly more complete and footnoted version please go to
http://www.redefeatbush.com/downloads/silencingthevote.pdf2. Please join us Saturday 12/11 in LaFayette Park in front of the White
House on Saturday 12/11 at noon to hear from Wayne Madsen, Asa Gordon, Jeff
Fisher and others. For more on our activities see
http://www.redefeatbush.com or the one page summary at
http://www.patrioticoutrage.org If you are not near DC please use
http://www.51capitalmarch.com to find the protest nearest you.
3. Please join us on Thursday 1/6 in Upper Senate Park adjacent to the U.S.
Capitol to honor the brave Members of the House and Senate who will rise to
challenge the legitimacy of the electoral votes submitted for Ohio,
Florida, Indiana and North Carolina. Cheer them as they exit the Capitol
and address our rally.
4. Please join us on Thursday 1/20 for the counterinaugural in
Washington. We expect to have stages set up to the north of the official
parade route (Farragut Park, MacPherson Park, Franklin Square, Lower Senate
Park on Capitol Hill) as well as south of the route (the Jefferson
Memorial, the FDR Memorial). Surround the clown.
5. Please join us for the world's first Counterinaugural Ball that evening
beginning with dinner and open bar for 5,000 people at Dream, a nightclub
in Washington. At that event we will reveal the bold new identity that
ReDefeatBush is taking on along with its aggressive new mission, and show
highlights of what happened that day in Washington, captured by our team of
volunteer videographers. Tickets will go on sale soon at
http://www.counterinauguralball.org6. Please contribute at
http://www.redefeatbush.com/donate to help
underwrite the costs of these activities and so that we may collect
affidavits from voters for the first lawsuit ever brought under the 14th
Amendment, passed in 1868. It sets out specific penalties for vote
suppression, calling for representation in Congress to be reduced in
proportion to the number of citizens whose ability to vote in an election
for president is "in any way abridged." We believe we can reduce the
Congressional delegations of several states by this means, and the penalty
may be invoked in subsequent elections as well, so if Ohio, Florida and
other habitual vote suppressing states continue to botch their elections
they will see their representation in Congress reduced each time they do so.
7. Please purchase your Bush Cheated 04 buttons and bumper stickers at
http://www.redefeatbush.com/store. Bumper stickers are there now, buttons
coming soon.
The young, it is said, do not know enough to be prudent. Therefore, they
attempt the impossible and achieve it, generation after generation...
-- David Lytel for ReDefeatBush.com
http://www.redefeatbush.com/store to buy Bush Cheated 04 buttons and bumper
http://www.redefeatbush.com/donate to help us raise the money we need to
drive Bush from power