I occasionally write a letter to the editor. Many letters, actually.
This is what I wrote today, because for some reason ;) this woman's attitude annoyed me. :( I just hate it when people seem too comfortable with their ignorance, especially when others have to pay a steep price because of it. :( :mad:
http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/wire/sns-ap-rumsfelds-questioner,0,2553004.story?coll=sns-ap-nation-headlinesMy letter:
Regina Wilson has the nerve and gall to wonder why the death toll is climbing in Iraq. Sorry, Regina, I don't think either you or your ex-husband and father of your children is a "stand-up" kind of person. You fully support your "President," yet seem not in the least worried about Rumsfeld and others not giving you any straight answers. That's okay? You don't have any real questions or concerns? Let's remember that "climbing death toll" and all. Or is that something "scary" that only other people's kids should have to worry about?
Honestly, isn't it high time that some people maybe questioned their leaders more and didn't constantly vote against their own and their children's interests? You get what you pay for, I have no sympathy