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GPS to track teen drivers

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Jean Louise Finch Donating Member (651 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 09:37 PM
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GPS to track teen drivers
Saw this AP article on, and thought it raised some pretty interesting questions:

GPS used to track teens driving

Dec. 9, 2004 | Bradenton, Fla. -- Retired Gen. Tommy Franks has signed on to be the spokesman for a company that uses global positioning system technology in teens' cell phones to let parents know how fast they're driving.

Franks will be the official face of Teen Arrive Alive. The organization aims to get teens to carry a cell phone containing a GPS chip that sends out regular signals letting parents know where they are and how fast they're going.

If a certain predetermined speed limit is passed, an alarm will go off in the cell phone and parents will be notified.

A bumper sticker on the teen's car enables drivers to report reckless behavior. Both the teen and his or her parents are then notified by phone or e-mail that a negative driving report has come in.


Are you the parent of a teen? Would you use this kind of technology?
Are you a teen? Would you be resentful it you found out the parents were using it?

I'm neither, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
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DrWeird Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 09:38 PM
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1. I think it's bullshit.
I went all kinds of places my parents didn't know about when I was a kid. So did everybody else I knew. And so did you, dear reader. It'd be pretty damn hypocritical for me to be tracking my kid with GPS.
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Imperialism Inc. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 10:04 PM
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2. I have a teenager.
He has always been a very good kid. I would never do that to him. I don't think it is morally wrong to do or anything though. Each parent can decide for themselves.
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Massacure Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 10:45 PM
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3. "Convienently" forget your cell phone.
Edited on Thu Dec-09-04 10:45 PM by Massacure
Edit: Or take the batteries out of it.
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