I don't know if this has ever been posted here. But it seems compelling. There is a petition at the site to bring Bush and Cheney up on charges before the Methodist Church.
http://www.theymustrepent.com/Who are we?We are United Methodists bringing a letter of complaint against United Methodist Church members George W. Bush and Richard "Dick" Cheney for their chargeable offenses of crime, immorality, disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church (UMC), and dissemination of doctrine contrary to the established standards of doctrine of The UMC. We are calling for accountability and repentance from these two members for their sinful behavior. This specific letter of complaint originates from two United Methodist members, Rev. Courtney Ball and Josh Steward, from the Iowa Annual Conference, but we are encouraging anyone who reads the letter below and agrees with it to sign their name to the letter as well. When the letter has had time to circulate and gain signatures, it will be presented to the various recipients listed on the letter in order that they may investigate the claims and push for a resolution to the complaint.
Our hope:Our hope is that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (respondents) will recognize the sinfulness of their actions, sincerely repent for what they have done, and move on to change their ways. Although we recognize the improbability of that outcome, we believe that with God all things are possible.
If, however, they do not repent sincerely, immediately, and publicly for their chargeable offenses, we believe that the respondents should have their membership revoked from The United Methodist Church until such time that they see the error of their ways and wish to return.
Why are we doing this?We are taking this action as Christians who are desperate to hold two of our own accountable. We, as United Methodists, understand that it is our duty to support and encourage our members and our leaders, and we have been doing so faithfully through prayers and petitions. But enough is enough. The guidance of our bishops and our church-members has been ignored by the respondents for too long. Too many people have died or suffered from the sins of these two men. Now it is time for them to answer for their actions with repentance, to turn back and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, or to be judged for not doing so.