Dear HRC,
I read in the New York Times about how your organization is planning to accommodate this administration in its efforts to privatize social security. I'm sorry, but we here outside the beltway don't support you, and send you money, and answer your calls to action so that you can cut political deals on Social Security or anything else. We support you so that you can ***stand up for our Rights as gay and lesbian people*** and hopefully lobby for those rights to be recognized in law. THAT'S IT. That is simply not a matter for compromise or political deal making. So, if aiding and abetting the Reich-wing in their efforts to rob seniors and all of us Americans blind is the HRC's "new direction" now that Cheryl Jaques is gone (or whatever has prompted this change), then I do not care to be a part of your organization any longer. I will NOT be a part of ANY organization that in ANY way supports, aids, or abets the evil that is this administration, even you. There are a lot of other gay groups out there and MY money, time, and activism can go to them if you have lost a basic understanding of what your organization's purpose is and what your direction should be. If kowtowing to the right is your new mission, you can go sleep with that devil alone. Faustian bargains with an administration like this are simply not good sense. And if you don't have any sense, then you don't deserve to lead anyone nor deserve to receive their support.
Our new political environment may require us to adjust our strategies, but that does not mean that we have to sacrifice our basic principles and values in order to appease these people. And if that is the path that you (and the democratic party in general) want to take, then you can walk that path alone. I, for one, will not go with you. Aiding and abetting this administration in the implementation of their agenda is where I draw the line. And by going in this so-called direction, you will have crossed it. So, if you are dead set on this path for your organization, then please remove me from your mailing lists and any other lists you might now have me on, as I no longer wish to support you.
Sincerely, Jeremey Dobbins Gulfport, MS
I understand that they may have backed away from this since the article in the NYT appeared, but I wanted make my opinion known on the issue simply to make them think very hard before they even CONSIDER doing such a thing, now or in the future.