,0,3131082.story?coll=bal-oped-headlinesTo those of us who doubt President Bush won the election in the United States, the key differences between here and Ukraine are the methods of fraud and the passivity of the news media.
Here the party in power used unverifiable computerized voting to boost its totals and intimidation and misinformation to suppress the vote totals of its opponents, but the news media haven't investigated it. of 'floating White House'
THE US is to spend $2 million (£1.03 million) buying back the presidential yacht from a private owner, saving a national treasure from the potential indignity of becoming a floating casino.
Posted 12/10/2004 12:19 AM
Military fires back on armor
By Tom Squitieri, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration moved swiftly to quell criticism from troops Thursday by outlining plans to protect all military vehicles used in Iraq. But two companies under contract to the Pentagon said their offers to boost production went unheeded.
President Bush said he understood the troops' concerns and has told military families that "we're doing everything we possibly can to protect your loved ones." Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who said Wednesday, "You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might want or wish to have" when confronted by troops about the lack of armor, vowed more would be done.
And in a hastily scheduled press conference in Kuwait, Army Lt. Gen. Steven Whitcomb said the military will "work feverishly" to ensure all vehicles contain at least minimal armor plating.
"We have a plan to do this, we're sticking to this, and it is on a good track," he said.
more whatever deity you may pray to, please pray for us all.