Its amazing at how little we as a nation really understand about the world we have created. This country was founded by two groups: exploitationists and hard workers. The exploitationists push people into ghettos, into labor camps, prisons, etc. The hard working people submit because they have no way of standing up to this on their own. Then, when the oppressed get hungry and killed in large enough numbers, they revolt. Up to this point in U.S. history, there have been no less than four revolutions: The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, the labor movement in the late 1800's, and the civil right movement in the late 1950's to early 1960's. Many people have tried to end the struggle once and for all, but both forces are still alive. I sincerely hope that the hard workers prevail, and in some measure they have up to this point. Continued work is required, however.