The origins of our two countries are vastly different. America's original settlers were fleeing persecution and then there was a revolution.
In Canada, people came to make money from the fur trade and eventually a country evolved.
America is still deeply scarred by the Civil War (The War of Northern Aggression) The North beat the South into submission and Restruction left scars as well.
In Canada, we have the French - English divide. When the English won, there was an attempt to appease the French. We let them maintain much of their unique culture. There are still issues today, but the scars are not so deep.
Our founding mantras are different. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is certainly more stirring, but it is also very individualistic. We have Peace, Order and Good Government, which are much more collective ideals.
We're both large countries, but Canada was tougher to tame. We're bigger, and colder and more rugged. We also have 1/10 of the people. We needed to rely on each other more.
Americas westward expansion was also largely driven by people setting out to make their mark and their fortune. Canadians wanted to make their fortune as well, but the government also pushed the expansion just so we could stake a claim, and keep you out. Building the national railroad had a huge impact on building the country.
We both have European beginnings, but Canada has become more multicultural. Multicultural has been part of our national jargon since the 60's. Where America is largely White, Black and Hispanic - Canada is more diverse - Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Russian, Persian etc.
Role of Government
America is built upon a basic distrust of government. You did flee persecution. You have checks and balances. Your federal government is seen as a necessary evil.
Canada was largely built through government. A Prime Minister is given more power in the Parliamentary system than a President is given in your federal system. The national railroad, the trans-Canada highway, the RCMP. It was a small leap from these types of things to universal health care etc.
Different Roles in the World
America is a superpower and Canada is not. You've acted as the world's policeman. We traditionally act as peacekeepers. You have more enemies, we have more friends.
How We See Our Countries
Americans are taught about America. America is the best. It is the best system, everyone wants to be like us. Canadians are taught about other places. We love our country too, but we know that there are many functioning democracies in the world. We know that most people have a great affection for their homeland.
An interesting book on the subject is Fire and Ice, The Unites States, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values by Michael Adams.