that from its very beginning has set about to deliberately deceive us on all things.This is a new reality for us. In previous instances, an administration may have lied about individual events or persons,such as Watergate, Gulf of Tonkin, U-2 flight etc. but there was no master plan of deceit.The Bush Era, with philosophical underpinnings from the Neocon Leo Strauss and ably assisted by Karl Rove and John Poindexter, have created psychological war against the American people in which it is hard to perceive and hold any realities.This is why I think it is impossible for us to say for certain who the "terrorists" are,why no one has been brought to justice, who sent the Anthrax in the mail to Liberal Democratic Senators, who fixed the elections,who created the Energy crisis in California, etc.
If we think this like a Goebbels type of propaganda, think again.This is vastly more sophisticated and covers almost all aspects of our social, political and cultural life.The writer, Ron Susskind quotes a "senior Adviser" to Bush ( wonder who that could be?) as saying" You in the Press may start covering one situation objectively, but we will create a new reality and keep creating new realities until it will be impossible for you to recognize any reality at all".Chilling words, no?