All of you hear and hear good.This is our country, a country for White, Chrsitian people.We made a mistake in adopting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights giving equal rights to unworthy people,blacks, Jews, Asians, Native Americans, Gays,Hispanics and others. We will tolerate you if you accept second class citizenship.Your rights will be what we say they are.You will pay taxes, fight in our wars but don't expect any more Affirmative Action Programs, Freedom of Religion and assorted liberal claptrap.We are going to gut Social security, Medicare and other liberal programs so we can hand out tax cuts to our wealthy clients.Our corporations can make increased profits by taking their jobs overseas and not have to pay taxes here. They will pay "contributions" to our Party and that is all will be necessary for them to do business.
Our leader is George W.Bush.He can do whatever he wants.We will make sure that he is elected one way or another.His replacement will also be elected by whatever means may become necessary.If necessary we will disenfranchise the second class citizens to assure our continuation in power. We will make sure that discrimination to assure our power is legal from now forward.
Overseas we will kick ass when and where we feel like it to teach the uppity Third World nations who is boss.We will bomb civilians, kidnap people and hold them in prisons in other countries and torture them.There will be no trials for any of our prisoners.We will not obey the UN Charter, Geneva Conventions,International Criminal Court, nothing.We are the law.You better get used to it.