this from a woman who campaigned largely on education issues, only to see her pet proposals shot down in flames by the Dem legislature, and her handpicked Board of Ed candidates poll only slightly ahead of Alan Keyes. state's public schools would lose 163 special-education teaching positions under an initial 2005-07 two-year budget proposed by Gov. Linda Lingle, state Department of Education officials said last night.
State schools superintendent Patricia Hamamoto said the governor's proposal would severely impact the system's ability to serve Hawai'i's "special needs" students and place the state at risk of violating the Felix consent decree, the 1994 court order that requires the department to provide adequate services to mentally and physically disabled students....
DOE budget director Ed Kuyama said the administration apparently made its cuts based on criteria used before the Felix decree.
"What's surprising is that they reached their conclusion without even talking to us," he said. "There's a huge disparity, and it doesn't make sense.""Based on criteria used before the Felix decree", indeed. Typical Repuke in action: "La, la, Federal court, I can't hear you!" Note that judge David Ezra, author of the Felix consent decree, is himself a Republican and a Reagan appointee.
In other news, the Bush** "administration" announced its new education initiative, called "No Child Without a Disability Left Behind" </sarcasm>
Edit: "education initiative"