I am working on a project known as the Timeline of the Right-Wing which chronicles the more sinister actions of the people and the groups in the Right-Wing. And, every once in a while I share the updates with DU, here is the new Timeline.
May - Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie, Ed McAteer, and Howard Phillips help Jerry Falwell form the Moral Majority (7)
September - Charles Moser, comes up with the idea for a front group to help the Contras and the front group involves the FCF and Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media (7)
August - Mohammed Zia al-huk's (Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about Iran/Contra, the training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin Laden) plane crashes into the ground with all engines running. The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom) for weeks, awaiting US experts. They showed up three weeks later and never checked the bodies. (16)
August (same day as Zia ah-huk's death) - Goerge H.W. Bush receives the Republican nomination
(No Month) - Christian Coalition Founded (15)
July 11 - Gary Caradori, who was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr. (A Republican who was suspected of embezzling $40M and had also organized 'parties' in which George H.W. Bush was supposedly seen) dies (10)
August 10 - Danny Casolaro, an author who was working on a book about scandals surrounding George H.W. Bush is found dead (10)
July 27 - Henry Gonzalez reveals that George H.W. Bush signed a top secret National Security Decision directive, known as NSD 26, ordering closer ties with Saddam Hussein and Iraq (16)
September 11-12 - Paul Weyrich announces plans for the Free Congress Foundation to work closely with the Christian Coalition. (3)
(No month) - Jerry Falwell receives a $1M 'loan' from Wally Hilliard (9)
February - Pat Robertson's bodyguard is knifed in the Kinshasa Intercontinental Hotel and robbed of $143,000 in his attaché case. Questions remain as to what he was doing with the money, and why an IFE employee was attacked while working for Robertson's private business interests. (13)
June - The impeachment effort against President Bill Clinton is conceived at a CNP meeting (8)
September - Ralph Reed resigns from the Christian Coalition (15)
September - Al Qaeda Terrorists enter Liberia and meet with Charles Taylor (1)
December - Pat Robertson meets with Charles Taylor and starts a Diamond Mining company in Liberia (2)
February - Steve Kangas is found dead near Richard Mellon Scaife's office (17)
October 9 - George W. Bush meets with the Council for National Policy (5)
March 22 - Mark Lombardi, an artist who mapped Right-Wing connections is found dead (10)
July 1 - Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi arrived at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida to inquire about taking flying lessons. (Huffman belonged to Wally Hilliard) (14)
July - A plane that belonged to Wally Hilliard was seized with more than 30 pounds of heroin on board (4)
October 16 - Mel Carnahan, opponent of John Ashcroft, dies (10)
November 2 - George W. Bush steals election
November 27 - Henry Gonzalez dies of unknown causes on November, 27. Gonzalez, former Congressman from Texas, was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee during the Reagan and Bush years. He oversaw hearings on the S&L fiasco which nailed Neil Bush (16)
February - Ten black employees file a racial discrimination suit against the Christian Coalition (15)
September 7 - Jeb Bush signs an Executive Order allowing for Martial Law (11)
September 11 - Terrorists attack WTC and Pentagon
September 11 (midnight) - Jeb Bush seals up records at a flight school that belongs to Wally Hilliard (12)
December - Pat Robertson resigns from the Christian Coalition (15)
May 3 - The Council for National Policy's 'Gold Circle' meets with Bush and Rove. Ashcroft also spoke at a 'Gold Circle' dinner (6)
October - Dick Cheney tells Paul Wellstone: "If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota." (18)
October 25 - Paul Wellstone, an opponent of the war in Iraq, dies (10)
March-Present - 1000+ American soldiers have died in Iraq
November 2 - Bush steals his 2nd election.
1 - www.siteinstitute.org/bin/articles. cgi?ID=news11004&Category=news&Subcategory=0
2 - www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article& node=&contentId=A5339-2001Nov9¬Found=true
3 -
http://prosocs.tripod.com/fcf.html4 -
http://www.madcowprod.com/mc322004.html5 -
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/17/opinion/17KRUG.html6 -
http://pontificator.blogspot.com/2002_12_29_pontificator_archive.html7 -
http://politicalamazon.com/fcf.html8 -
http://www.buzzflash.com/farrell/04/08/far04029.html9 -
http://sanderhicks.com/hopsickerinterview.html 10 -
http://bushbodycount.com11 -
http://sun6.dms.state.fl.us/eog_new/eog/ orders/2001/september/eo2001-261-09-07-01.html
12 -
http://www.madcowprod.com/mc342004.html13 -
http://www.disinfo.com/archive/pages/article/id1410/pg5/14 -
http://1290whio.com/news/9_11countdown.html15 -
http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=430716 -
http://www.0cia.0catch.com/BUSHpersons_who_have_ended_up_dead_b.htm17 - www.politicalamazon.com/kangas.html
18 -