The reason the right-wing isn't jumping up and down in false indignation and outrage over this "duplicitousness of the liberal media" is very plain to anyone with a functioning memory.
The right wants this story to die a quick, quiet death.
Don't you let it!When people with intact brains read this today...WASHINGTON - The Army entered negotiations with an armor manufacturer Friday in an effort to accelerate production of armored versions of the Humvee to get them to the troops more quickly, Army and company officials said.
Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey spoke with officials at Armor Holdings, Inc., based in Jacksonville, Fla., who told him Friday they could increase production by up to 100 vehicles a month.
Army officials had previously believed the factory was working at capacity until the company told the news media Thursday that it could make more. Democrats immediately criticized the Bush administration for not boosting production sooner. should have also remembered reading about this eight months ago...PFC John Hart told his father about the threat, but there was little he could do. "John had called a week before he was killed (in an ambush late last year), whispering on the phone how he and his buddies felt exposed in these unarmored vehicles, and how they felt it was only a matter of time before they got hurt," Brian Hart told Newhouse News Service. "They're out there completely exposed. The enemy knows how to hit these unarmored Humvees, and the only people really not aware of the problem are the American people."
The military admits it was unprepared for this threat, "and so this is an area where you cannot fix it overnight," said Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army's chief of staff. Or even over months, the general could have added. It was last August when the Army considered adding armored doors to Humvees in Iraq, but it took four months to start manufacturing door kits. They won't be finished until May. claim of being caught unprepared is a complete fabrication there as well, because two months before that story they faced this embarrassment...When members of the Army Reserve's 428th Transportation Company were called to active duty in Iraq, they looked at the vehicles they would take with them. They looked at the headlines out of the war zone, which told of sniper attacks and roadside bombs. And they looked back at their vehicles.
Their 5-ton trucks and Humvees are outfitted for drills in the Midwest. They have thin metal floorboards. Some doors are no more than a sheet of canvas.
They found a local steel fabricator to build steel plates to fit over the floorboards and inside the doors. A local funeral home, not wanting the unit's members' business, stepped forward to pay for the modifications.
But when they reached Fort Riley, Kan., to prepare for shipping out, the Army had a blunt reaction: No.
The steel panels, you see, weren't Army issue. They hadn't been tested by the Army. The Army is working on its own changes, which officials say should be completed by summer 2005. Could the members of the 428th please try to stay alive until then? funding for the armor kits was unpardonably put off until the FY2005 budget!Section 112 -
Earmarks specified Army procurement funds for the procurement of: (1) up-armored high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles; and (2) wheeled vehicle ballistic add-on armor protection. Requires: (1) the Secretary of the Army to allocate the earmarked funds between the two procurements; and (2) at least 15 days' advance notice to the defense and appropriations committees prior to such allocation. when the garden variety out-of-the-loop freepers out there bitch to you about Rumsfeld being "tricked", be sure to remind them just how long that murdering little bastard has known about this...and let's all stop letting them pretend like this is something that "just came up".:grr: