Edited on Sat Dec-11-04 12:13 AM by BamaGirl
I'm still in shock I think, and trying to figure out where/how we went wrong this year. I have many theories and thoughts not even touched here, but I have an executive party meeting next week and things need to be addressed. Frankly, I don't care how long this gets. They're Democrats. They'll read it lol. :D Thoughts, additions, edits welcome. I'm still working thru it all. Still in shock, still not sure what or how I want to say it. However, I do have a deadline and I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you only have bad things to say about us, please keep it to yourself. It doesn't help.
Thx, BamaGirl
Mr ____ was on to something important when he spoke to the _________ Thursday about the old Populist movement. As much as many of us hate the Republican party, as much as many of us disparage the Republican party, we must accept that they have done something remarkable. They have turned working America against itself, a mighty accomplishment. It has been our practice as Democrats to try to sway people to our cause, or back to our cause, with logic. Logic is a dead science. Voltaire declared God as dead. I tell you now, logic is dead and God reigns supreme in America. History is cyclical and this will change. The question is when? And how do we deal with the way things are NOW?
I have read many discouraging articles, essays, blogs since Nov 2. There is a division in the Democratic party. I have read many, many diatribes against the so-called Red States—both the conservatives in those states and the progressives. We find ourselves under attack from the both parties. It is hard to keep the faith in such circumstances. I have long been researching the genealogy of my family. It was fortuitous today that I received an email for a fellow researcher, which included a member list of a Populist group that included some of my ancestors. I know where I come from. I know my Populist, union loving roots. I know that the Trusts were busted by Populist groups that rose out of impoverished Red States. I know that I owe Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Interstate System, the National Park Service, minimum wage, child labor laws, and every other law that benefits the people (as opposed to the rich) to Populist movements, Teddy Roosevelt, and FDR. I am farsighted. I am a “whole picture” kind of thinker. I understand what the erosion of these institutions will mean to my grandchildren. And I am not selfish. I was taught to live the words of Christ, not preach them. I understand that churches cannot take up the place of public social systems especially in a corporate business environment that encourages wholesale rape of the economy and working class. People who have never suffered, people who have fared better than their parents don’t seem to grasp that corporations are not out for the best interests of middle class America. They don’t seem to grasp that the more they (corporations, i.e. the Rich) pay workers, the less they (the working and poor classes) make. The people who vote Republican because their Daddy did, because their Daddy was a racist Nixonian, do not get that the Republican party is the party of the Rich. And the Democratic party is the party of the People.
They don’t get it because WE QUIT TELLING THEM. Mr _____ is absolutely right. We must take back our party. We must rebuild the Populist party. We must find a way to fight the churches. We must find a way to fight the Republican pr machine. And Mr _____ was right. Senator Kerry should have won Alabama. Why didn’t he? Are we really so separated from Blue America? Are we really so different? Aren’t we the party of inclusion? Isn’t everyone who welcomes tolerance welcome in the Democratic party? Then why is Senator Kerry not the President Elect? Because we cannot get our message out. Because we will not fight. Because we Democrats in the South have rolled over and played dead. Because we have allowed the Democrats in New England to define our party HERE. This must stop. This has to stop. We have to define on a local level, and we have to make people understand that disagreement is good. The rights of individuals have always been more important than the rights of the majority in America. The Republican party has been allowed to rewrite American history. Why on earth have we allowed this? Why? Because we haven’t protested. We haven’t stood up. We haven’t said, enough is enough. In November, I was nominated and elected Secretary of the Wiregrass Democratic Club. I have transcribed a copy of the sign list from the Democratic Headquarters. There are notations on this thing of people who came in, but were afraid to give their name. Have we really progressed this point? I am 13th generation Southern. I am not going to abandon my family’s Populist, union loving legacy to these people. I dare you to call me un-Southern. I dare you to call me un-American. I am completely insulted that these people have hi-jacked my culture, my history, my South. We allowed it. I allowed it. But how can we stop it if people won’t even allow themselves to be identified as Democrats?
Mr. ______ said we need leaders. I heard him speak for the first time Thursday, and I say, there is your leader. And here I am. I am a leader. It is not a position I want. It is not a position I would seek. But someone must take it. Someone must be a voice for the Democratic party in our region. Who will it be? I will throw my support behind anyone the majority of us agree on, but the current state of affairs must not be allowed to continue. I have considered running for the 2nd Congressional seat myself. _____ should have been a strong candidate, but he received zero support on a state or national level. I will not run with no support, and I think we can find a better candidate than myself. You know the people of the Wiregrass. You know who might be a strong candidate. To take back this seat, we must start soon though. We must organize and we must campaign, and it is not just a matter of the candidate running, it is a matter of the party running. We are all either for it, or not. We will not get anywhere without a voice.