Governor Wants Nude Statue Out of Statehouse Office, Citing Embarrassment and Safety
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Gov. James Douglas is doing some tidying up in his office and one thing he thinks can go is a table lamp that sometimes makes him red-faced.
The lamp, installed on his desk recently as part of a Statehouse restoration project, is a replica of a famous 19th century nude statue that cost $2,500 and is plugged into an overhead chandelier.
Douglas, a Republican, who was just re-elected to a second two-year term, is no stranger to the Statehouse and its art. He has worked in and around the building for more than 30 years, as a member of the House, an aide to a governor, and as secretary of state and state treasurer.
Statehouse Curator David Schutz said the lamp would be removed from the office during the next legislative session, which runs from January through roughly May. "I am, of course, respecting his wishes. It is, after all, his office," Schutz said.
Ooooh. Hide that marble titty before someone gets a damn woody. Hurry up now.