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Bush's agenda for the EPA

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AmandaRuth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 03:41 AM
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Bush's agenda for the EPA
According to an email I just got, this is what is in store

an administration that wants to rewrite the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act protecting rare plant and animal species and their habitats, as well as the National Environmental Policy Act that requires the government to judge beforehand if actions might damage natural resources. That wants to relax pollution limits for ozone; eliminate vehicle tailpipe inspections; and ease pollution standards for cars, sports utility vehicles and diesel-powered big trucks and heavy equipment. That wants a new international audit law to allow corporations to keep certain information about environmental problems secret from the public. That wants to drop all its new-source review suits against polluting coal-fired power plans and weaken consent decrees reached earlier with coal companies. That wants to open the Arctic wildlife refuge to drilling and increase drilling in Padre Island National Seashore, the longest stretch of undeveloped barrier island in the world and the last great coastal wild land in America.

Wow, as James Watt would say

after the last tree is felled, Christ will come back."

(not to mention, I have asthma, how will i be able to breath in a few years?)
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pstans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 09:34 PM
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1. I agree
Of all of the bad policies that the Buch Administration has, I think the environmental agenda has to be the worst and most damaging for the future of the world.

And unfortanatly it doesn't get much pub.
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