Go to the Forum Iraq Transistion Forum
http://forums.nytimes.com/top/opinion/readersopinions/forums/international/thetransitioniniraq/index.html?page=recent&anchor=1#34229My particular message number is 30454
Here is the continung of a discussion that is taking place with a freeper:
jfrnkln - 4:37 AM ET December 11, 2004 (#30459) wrote:
>So, you are "sitting in the Arctic, 5000 km"
>removed from all of our sh!t, p!ss and
> corruption.
And glad for it.
>Let me ask discretely: Are you a walrus?
>No, Paul was the walrus. More likely you are
>some sort of oceanic fowl that perches on
> the ice floes and lives on whatever table
>scraps the polar bears leave behind.
Infinitely better than being a corrupt and senseless American who can only attack the messenger rather than the message!!
>Or perhaps you are a hermit crab -- I do
>not believe they are an Arctic species, but
>you seem to be a hermit and definitely
>something of a crab.
Fortunately in my hermit existence I do not have to listen to your Gods of misinformation - Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Rielly. I can listen to Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Mike Webb, Bernie Ward, Tony Trupiano, Guy James, Thom Hartmann. I could see the CSpan live coverage of the Conyers hearing. I could see the exit polls and see how they were conveniently of no consequence in the US election but see how the US wanted to shout from the rooftops of the importance of exit polls in the Ukrainian election.
I think I rather like this form of hermit crab existence defined by you!!
>But you have founded your hermit's cell, no
>doubt soon to be expanded into a full-
>blown monastery, where like-minded fools
> can go to escape civilization and its sinful
>ways. In short, you are a consummate bore.
Wonderful summary, but I think there is a world of difference in understanding what is civilisation - which your lack of civility shows you have no understanding of!
If you are so courageous and not a bore like me, maybe you will volunteer to go and sort out the problem in Iraq. As far as I have seen cowards will not venture very far from home base in their cause!!
But I am sure you do support the Stop Loss policy, sending grandparents and amputees to fight the war in Iraq and will probably be the first to dodge the draft like your VP Dick Chenney (5 deferments?)!!