i posted this yesterday but thought it was worth repeating:
i just received an email from the DNC ... it's general tone was "ain't we doing grand" ... they even included a special kudos to Terry McAuliffe ... talked about all the great grassroots organizing the DNC did ... and then they asked for my feedback ...
here were my responses to a couple of their questions:
1. How did you participate in this election? rather than talk about the role i played, I thought I would take the opportunity to offer this feedback:
you've asked for my opinion ... that's great ... i'm sad to tell you i haven't liked much of what i've been seeing from the party since the election ... where is the loyal opposition to the un-American Patriot II? what the hell were Hillary and Shumer doing voting for that last budget bill? I read an article that the Democratic governors want to put an end to all those "northeaster liberals" and are even considering John Breaux for DNC chair ... yeah, that will fire up your base ...
i read the email you just sent me ... it talks about not being able to put the grassroots activism back in the bottle ... if the party refuses to stand up and oppose the right-wing corporate agenda, your observation will be deadly accurate ... you won't be able to put the grassroots movement back in the bottle because the bottle will have been smashed to bits ...
and where does the DNC stand on the massacre going on in Iraq? how many Democrats have spoken out to end the madness? people are dying; perhaps more than 100,000 Iraqis have died ... that's far more than the Americans lost in Vietnam ... frankly, if the party refuses to take a REAL stand on the issue instead of quibbling over bush's bungling of the invasion, I'll be looking for a more effective vehicle for my activism and my contributions than the DNC ...
there's no nice way to say this, DNC ... either the party starts talking about the corruption of the bush administration, the risk to our democracy they pose, and the selling of our government to multi-nationals, or the battle you'll be fighting will be a battle fought for something far less than the truth ...
6. How would you make it better? i would ask the national party to tell the truth ... our government has been bought and paid for by special interests ... it no longer acts in the best interests of all its citizens ... you only need to look to Iraq and its ties to Halliburton and Bechtel, to the Medicare bill and its ties to the pharmaceutical industry and to HMO's and to bush's tax cuts for the wealthy to understand the cancer that is growing ...
i see the Republican soldiers on TV fighting like hell each and every day ... and from Democrats, boring policy wonking ... the Democratic analysis is often superior but it lacks passion and it's not effective ...
time is running out; and too many fools are looking at a "move to the right" ... the problem the party faces is not a political spectrum issue; it's about passionately fighting for the truths we believe in ... and I'm sad to say, that has just not been happening at the DNC ...