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Reason for delay in ordering armoured Humvees, et al

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donco6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 06:38 PM
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Reason for delay in ordering armoured Humvees, et al
I wonder. With Rummydummy saying we're doing everything we can to get more armoured vehicles to Iraq, and armoured vehicle manufacturers saying they aren't even at capacity, one has to wonder why? Is it lack of money? Well, the appropriation seems adequate, but when you get into 100s of billions, it's all pretty mindboggling anyway.

I'm wondering if the issue isn't cash flow and its impact on economic indicators. Once the items are delivered, cash has to exchange hands. What if the govt doesn't have the cash at that time? They have to go into short term borrowing, until taxes are collected and they can exchange the note for cash. This can wreak havok on all sorts of indicators - *especially on the eve of an election.*

So what do you do? You delay payment by delaying ordering. Oh, maybe you put in an encumbrance to "prove" you're doing something, but you fiddle with contract language, or change the specs or do just about anything to prevent actual delivery of the goods. Because once it's delivered, you have to pony up the cash.

Is the Bush administration gumming up the delivery of armoured vehicles to further mask the true condition of the American economy and the impact of this False War? I just wonder . . .
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pnutchuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 06:41 PM
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1. I wonder the same
but proving it is the difficult part. They're going to maintain this same language until tax monies start coming in and they can make right what they've been denying all along.
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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 06:48 PM
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2. The delay is a criminal
pure and simple. "We're doing al we can" means "we're lying our
asses off".... in bush double speak. On top of that, delay is a
criminal asswipe helping to block the real-on-the-ground support that
bankrupting the government does not quite give the troops.

DeLay should be in prison... not in congress. THAT is a portal on
the real problem. That you mention him, shows how criminals like
that texas redistricting scumbag have undermined decency in
non-criminal government.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 07:18 PM
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3. If Haliburton was armoring tanks, the order would have been given
long ago. They only want to give money to their buddies.....
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