VOTERR ("Voices for Open and Truthful Election Results and Reform") is a San Diego-based organization of people coming together for the complete and fair counting of votes. We rallied at Horton Plaza on December 5, 2004, and despite the rain, drew a great crowd of patriots committed to Counting Every Vote, Clean Elections and a Free Press. See photos at VOTERR.
There are too many reasons to question the November 2nd election results! Fair access and other rights of voters have been violated. We must fight this scandal or it will happen yet again. People are coming together across our nation to fight the attacks on our voting rights and get the true election results, and there are protests and rallies planned in most states in the days leading up to the meeting of the Electoral College in state capitols on Monday, December 13th. Election Fraud (Formerly "Fairness".]
The mainstream media are not covering this story sufficiently, so voters need to "Be the Media" by drawing attention to ongoing investigations and reporting, such as the hearing convened by Rep. John Conyers, ranking member of the House Judiciary Comittee, on December 8th in Washington, DC, to receive testimony about the pervasive voting irregularities in Ohio , and the Ohio recount by the Greens/Libertarians/Ohio Democratic Party. San Diego Voters will again ADD THEIR VOICES TO THIS GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT IN A ...
"VIGIL FOR DEMOCRACY" AS THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE CONVENES IN STATE CAPITOLS, Monday, December 13th Starting at 7 am and continuing through 1pm
In front of the San Diego Federal Building near the corner of Front & Broadway, downtown SD! 880 Front Street
As this is a Vigil, wear Black and/or Orange (in recognition of the Ukrainians who successfully overturned a similarly broken election process). We will have signs, but encourage creativity in making your own! We will be reading accounts from Ohio and elsewhere of Voter Suppression, Voter Initimidation, Mismarked and Misplaced Ballots, and Malfunctioning Electronic Voting Machines. We will also have info flyers to pass out to passersby during the Vigil.
San Diegans joining together to "BE the Media!"
For more information, please see VOTERR or call Kathie Gorham at 858/382-4318
PS I did not post the report on the demonstration on the ninth in front of the Union Tribune as my computer was DEAD. There were fifty people, it was covered by Channel 10 (ABC affiliate), and maybe the U-T, not good to be outcooped in front of their own building