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On this day, 11. December, in 1941

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mogster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 06:05 AM
Original message
On this day, 11. December, in 1941
Germany and Italy declares war on the US.

Germany and Italy have announced they are at war with the United States. America immediately responded by declaring war on the two Axis powers.
Three days ago, US President Franklin Roosevelt announced America was at war with Japan, the third Axis power, following the surprise attack on its naval base at Pearl Harbor.

Today Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, made his declaration first - from the balcony over the Piazza Venezia in Rome - pledging the "powers of the pact of steel" were determined to win.

Then Adolf Hitler made his announcement at the Reichstag in Berlin saying he had tried to avoid direct conflict with the US but, under the Tripartite Agreement signed on 27 September 1940, Germany was obliged to join with Italy to defend its ally Japan.

"After victory has been achieved," he said. "Germany, Italy and Japan will continue in closest co-operation with a view to establishing a new and just order."


A new and just order ...hmmmm.. now, where have I heard that recently?
Ah, well. But these pages on the BBC is a treasure. If you haven't browsed the 'On this day'-series, give it a try. One can leaf through them day by day, and kinda relive modern history.

Mucho informazione!
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cornermouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 06:22 AM
Response to Original message
1. Check this one out.
December 16

Oliver Cromwell became lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

The Boston Tea Party took place.

Grigori Rasputin assassinated by a group of noble Russian conspirators.

One of the deadliest earthquakes in history hit the Gansu province in China. The 8.6 quake killed 200,000 people.

The Battle of the Bulge during World War II began in Belgium.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected president of Haiti in the country's first democratic elections.

Colin Powell selected to become the first African-American secretary of state.
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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 07:06 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Also Dec 16th is the birthday of Ludwick Von Beehtoven . . .
Question: What's brown and sitting on the piano bench?
Answer: Beethoven's last movement
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