Are To Die For The Lowest Bidder?DANIEL RUTH
Published: Dec 12, 2004
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?- Rudyard Kipling
Perhaps Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld, the Mr. Potter of the Pentagon, thought he could cow and bully and shuck and jive the troops just as he has the Eddie Haskell of the West Wing all these years.
But when you're stuck out in the middle of where Moses lost his knickers, among people who hate you and who are trying to kill you and you are expected to fight a war with hand-me-downs, you're probably going to be a bit annoyed with the condescending, ideological windbag who sent you into harm's way on a lark and a lie.Heritage Centerfold
So it was that the J.R. Ewing of the Situation Room found himself in Kuwait answering questions from reservists and National Guard troops about to be sent into Iraq, that terrorist/insurgent winter wonderland of body bags.
It's entirely possible, the Mr. Dithers of the Beltway thought the soldiers would bow and scrape in deference to the centerfold of the Heritage Foundation
..more at the Trib.