Edited on Sun Dec-12-04 10:12 AM by theHandpuppet
First off, let me say this has nothing to do with the war in Iraq, to which I am vehemently opposed. What I truly want is to discuss the draft system of filling the ranks of the military as opposed to an "all-volunteer" service.
Problem is, I truly feel this supposed "all volunteer" army is not so volunteer when you get right down to it. All the talk of service and honor ad infinitum... well, are the working classes and poor the only folks in this country with a sense of duty, because I don't see any rich folks' kids lining up at the recruiting offices. Fact is, when viable opportunities for those "less than wealthy" are systematically reduced, whether that be from slashing Pell grants, exhorbitant college fees, or increased unemployment and outsourcing of jobs, more and more working class and poor youth see enlistment in the military as their only real chance at employment and an education. So what makes this different than the days of the draft riots, when (during the Civil War) the children of wealth could pay some poor slob 300 bucks to take their place on the front lines of battle? Isn't this essentially what's happening now?
Sure, we now have a govt which encourages the poor and working class to eschew reproductive choice (by cleverly playing the religion card), slashes social programs, destroys the unions and outsources the jobs, and what have they created in the process? An entire underclass of folks who will supply an endless stream of bodies to throw at the front lines in order to protect the wealth of the upper classes whose butts are warm and comfy here at home.
Frankly, I think the term "all volunteer" military is a sham. A joke. A massive propaganda game played by those in power. I'll tell you, if the children of the wealthy in this country were shipped off to Iraq and Afghanistan as easily as the poor and minority kids you'd see these wars end tomorrow. When the children of Cheney and Bush and Kerry and every stinkin' warmonger in DC offers up their own kids to fight and die in Iraq, then and only then will we see peace and a real reluctance for "pre-emptive" wars.
So as you can see I'm torn about the idea of a draft and welcome any opinions on the issue.