not a question of if, but how damn soon, especially since the USofA is now Snow
Subsistence Crisis
Chris Laird
A number of my readers of all backgrounds have asked me via email things like "your articles are interesting, and I agree, but what do I do about it? How can I protect myself?" I have thought a lot about this...
I will discuss this situation and recap what is happening now and what some possible alternatives are to protect ourselves. However, let me first say this, the alternatives that I see all have some problems associated with them, and I want to say that, first, the best case outcome is a substantial delay of the financial crisis for all of us who wish to make some kind of preparations for a subsistence crisis. Ultimately, a financial day of reckoning will come, and our survival will not only be in terms of some financial preservation, but will necessarily have to include measures to provide our literal shelter and food.
People who think that by having merely several million in the bank they will weather this coming disaster had better read this article....
Now, I know some people are going to think ... this guy is a survivalist! Let me say this, I am not thinking in terms of world Armageddon in terms of war, although that is always possible unfortunately these days. What I am talking about is an economic catastrophe so bad that our usual ways of living will not work, our usual ways of getting food will not work, and if this thing lasts as long as I suspect (over ten years) that we will live though a time where mere subsistence is the primary consideration, and we look back on these days of plenty wistfully, while making plans to get todays paltry meal for our family.
this may be why the ebook at hph on 50 ways to personally profit from waste paper is selling so well. There are SOooooo many americans who are seriously fucked economically it is will take me 10 years or more of a normal economy to get back to even...