Don't flame me. This is a serious question.
I know that Scott Peterson's case is over. Or I guess it is, anyway. Let's see. What does that leave us with?
The reason that I ask is because we are competing against these types of stories. It's reality and we need to time our message so that our story gets the precious newspaper space or the time on the local or national news. It's all about timing - a fact that the Republicans have learned. Terror alert, anyone?
So, it seems as though TONIGHT is the time to hit the media and hit them hard. Is there anything going on tonight that we are competing with? Not really. There's some football but that's all I've been able to find so far.
Iraq and the Ukraine are still kicking as is the story on *'s stupid Homeland Security pick. Other than that, is there anything else?
I have already emailed as many news outlets as I have addresses for and asked them to cover the Conyers hearings. I can email to ask them to cover the pending lawsuit.
I think that we need to get going tonight and flood the MSM's email boxes with requests!