Two BHS teens big on vision, if short on specific plans
By Aimee Heckel, Camera Staff Writer
December 12, 2004
Travis Moe is too old to dream about being a superhero, but he does think it's possible humans will fly someday, with a little help from evolution. Travis' dreams are outlandish and beautiful and sometimes ridiculous.
He's no prophet. In many ways, he's an ordinary 17-year-old, a little on the hippie side. He lounges in front of the TV, gets crushes on cute girls and procrastinates on homework until the last possible second. He just has extraordinary thoughts, and when he gets to talking about them, he raises his voice and eyebrows and flails his hands.
Stephen Lobanov-Rostovsky, 18, thinks Travis is a little out there. Brush past Stephen in the hallway and he is Travis' antithesis. In a nutshell: Stephen's favorite color is gray; Travis' is tie-dye.
Travis and Stephen disagree on most everything. But they agree that mankind can become something more than it is today. They're both burning to do something — anything — to change the world. And after they led a protest last month that got national attention, they realized maybe they could.,1713,BDC_2488_3393662,00.html(registration required)