Edited on Sun Dec-12-04 07:07 PM by TalkingDog
There was a story in the local paper today about the local Housing Authority and their refusal of some Xmas gifts from a local topless bar for the low-income kids.
The utter hypocracy of it all was giving me ulcers, so I sat down and wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper.
To the Editor:
Regarding the Statesville Housing Authority’s refusal of Teaser’s Christmas gifts, I am reminded of the Biblical paraphrase: Take the two by four out of your own eye, before complaining about the speck of sawdust in your neighbors.
I think the problem can be summarized in one simple phrase: The love of short-term gain while ignoring long-term negative consequences.
I don’t agree with Mr. Bustle’s profession, nor of the women who choose to work for him. I believe each of them wants the short-term gain of the generous amounts of money afforded this line of work, while failing to recognize the long-term negative consequences for women in general. In the Teaser’s worldview, women become a disposable commodity. Something to be traded in for a less shopworn model after a few thousand miles. But there is no reason to believe that gifts from the Teaser’s women will taint the hearts of truly needy and deserving children.
Those who condemn the morality of Bustle and Teasers while refusing to accept their tainted money and goods, should first look to their own behaviors and habits.
Step back and take a broader view of the morality versus money issue. How many people in Iredell County shop at Wal-Mart? How many will buy their children Christmas gifts from Wal-Mart? The same Wal-Mart that destroys small, local businesses, and has helped to ruin the textile economy in North Carolina by buying a large percentage of their textile goods from China. The same Wal-Mart that supports the Chinese government’s policies of forced abortion and slave labor by trading with them to the tune of billions of dollars a year.
Folks shopping at Wal-Mart want the short-term gain of saving a few dimes on towels or a toy while ignoring the long-term negative consequences of their actions. By shopping at Wal-Mart they create a faltering local economy, putting people out of work and creating needy families. All the while tacitly supporting slave labor and forced abortion with their buying choices.
Looking at it that way, are Mr. Bustle and the Teaser’s women really so bad? They aren’t pillaging the local economy. They aren’t forcing little children to work long hours in unsafe factories for pennies a week. They aren’t forcing women who want to have more than one child to have abortions against their will. But every person who continues to shop at Wal-Mart is funding these very atrocities with every dollar they spend.
The Housing Authority wants the short-term gain of public moral correctness at the long-term cost of necessary toys and goods being withheld from clients and their needy children.
People seem to be very selective about their morality. As long as being upright doesn’t cost them anything or inconvenience them, they are all for it. I say, put your money where your morals are. If you don’t want a Teaser’s, support local businesses that offer a living wage and insurance to their employees, so these women can feed their families and take them to the doctor without having to work 3 part-time jobs at 80 hours a week.
Sincerely XX