First off, the Repukes need to consolidate their power. They are going for a filibuster-proof Senate and a draft gets in the way, so it is politically unfeasible to have a draft before the 2006 elections.
Right now, recruitment for the Army, the Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard is in dismal shape, but recruitment for the Air Force and the Navy and respective Guard and Reserve units are doing just fine, thank you very much.
Here's how they avoid the draft before the midterms. First, they enact the Defense Forces Re-Alignment Initiative. What's this, you ask? Simple, first they call for volunteers to transfer from the Air Force and Navy to the Army and Marines. No loss of grade, just new training. Phase II they begin forcing the move. You signed up for the DoD, so it doesn't alter your contract at all, the DoD owns your ass. Then they sneak in something to get as many volunteers as possible, if you volunteer, you keep your current rank and pay grade, if they have to move you unwillingly, you lose one stripe and the pay that goes along with it.
Watch for this. It is a "back door draft" that moves through the front door, and they will do it! What's worse is the draftees will lose pay they got for their initial volunteer hitch!