In case you weren't aware, the names of some of the bills that go through Congress are pretty wierd/funny/surprising/bad/etc. Use this link and do searches, for anything, and you'll find some wierd stuff: labeling of days/weeks/months are good!, like "nat'l ____day" use "designating" and any other word to look for some)
Search: designating
*Designating September 28, 2003, as `National Good Neighbor Day'
*Designating May 2004 as `Older Americans Month'
*Designating August 9, 2004, as `Smokey Bear's 60th Anniversary'
Search: designating november
*Designating Thursday, November 18, 2004, as `Feed America Thursday'
*Designating January 1 of each year as `Global Family Day'
*Expressing the sense of Congress that `Kids Love a Mystery Month' should be established
Searh: who stole my vote (Some of these and others that are similar might be interesting to explore regarding the election. Not sure if any new ones have been passed besides HAVA)
-Obviously, these have yet to be passed.....
*Know Your Vote Counts Act of 2004
*SAVE Voting Act of 2004
*Gateway to Democracy Act of 2004
*Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003
*Recognizing the importance of implementing any and all measures necessary to ensure a democratic, transparent, and fair election process for the 2004 Presidential election.
*Congressional Responsibility Act of 2003