to visit the building tomorrow.
This excerpt is from your link:
Until recently, the nest was protected by a federal treaty, first enacted in 1918 and administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service, which prevented the destruction of nests in migratory bird habitats. But Terri Edwards, a spokeswoman for the Fish and Wildlife Service, said yesterday that the agency had issued a
clarification of the rules in 2003 that allows the destruction of migratory bird nests if it is done during a season when the nests are not being used to hatch or raise offspring.
In other words, during Bush's reign, Pale Male lost his nest.
Pale Male has his own website. They are currently asking people to help. 13 will be showing a Pale Male documentary:
Watch the nature documentary Pale Male on Thirteen/WNET New York CHANNEL 13. Showtimes:
# Tuesday Dec. 14th, 8pm
# Sunday Dec. 19th, 8pm