Al Franken's show is the sketchiest thing on AAR to begin with, and the Luther-Limbaugh segment is the sketchiest part of Al's show. And I mean sketch as in "not fully realized", rather than in the showbiz "sketch comedy" sense which Al actually does quite well. Now this isn't because it's inherently a bad idea to publicly criticize Rush and have a sworn dittohead trying to present a defense, that needs to happen more often. When he first started it, I thought it was a great idea. But somehow Al doesn't pull it off, and Mark's continued obstinacy in supporting the unsupportable indicates a generally futile effort.
There are three choices Al Franken could make with respect to the segment that would improve his show:
1) Let Kathrine Lampher (sp?) take the interrogative lead after the introductions; her on-air personality is more convincing than Al's,
2) Start attacking archived segments of the Rush Limbaugh show from the time of Mark Luther's "conversion", and destroy his paradigm shift at its foundation,
3) Scrap it altogether. At the one year anniversary, say to Mark Luther, "Well, you've seen firsthand that Rush has misled you every day he's been on the air, for the last year. Are you still a fan?" If yes, declare success and move on to something else. If no, declare Luther hopelessly brainwashed and move on to something else.
Al Franken is at his best when he's doing celebrity interviews and, yes, sketch comedy bits like "Mastication Theatre" and "OyOyOy Show". His rants are fine, but not up to the standards of pro-ranters like Randi and Malloy. Al's fully capable of a solid show, but he seems to prefer a more rehearsed format -- nothing wrong with that.