Once they established the interim govt.,then anyone opposing the occupation could be said to be "anti-Iraqi"...spinning it as not fighting against the Americans...but going against the new Iraq govt. itself.
They've gone between using insurgent and anti-Iraqi forces for a few months now. They've been testing the term out.
See? With the elections in January, Americans will be there "at the request of the Iraqi govt." SO it will no longer be an American lead invasion...but aid to a struggling sovereign nation who now officially has a "terrorists" problem.
Shortly, very shortly, Iraqis who are now labeled "insurgents" and "anti-iragi forces" will be called "terrorists"...threatening the security of Iraq. Now, while people currently bandy about "links to Al Quaeda" and "outside forces" when speaking of the "attacks" on American soldiers and interim Iraqi officials/police, no one's really called the Iraqis fighting against the occupation terrorists...yet. But soon they will be...and we'll see a crack down in Iraq that we haven't seen yet. See? If you're still mad about the occupation and you're Iraqi, then you must be a terrorists...hellbent on treason, because an "election" was held and Iraq has a new, "sovereign" govt.
So everyone with a different opinion will become a terrorists.
The language will continually change to fit the reality Bush Inc want people to buy into.