this fellow felt so moved about what I was saying he felt the urge to write me thusly....
"Chris Tomley <onyxandblood@yahoo.com> wrote: I really dont understand your hatred for America but thank god you are in the minority."
Today I re-read my response, and felt it was powerful enough to share with the others here at DU...
Dear Chris; I don't hate america, you moron, I hate the new hitler infesting MY white house and you new nazis deciding who lives and who dies in this new americanazi regime. Better open your eyes pal, because YOU narrow thinkers are the problem. YOU are just like the germans who averted their eyes to the trains of jews slowly rattling by to never never land... YOU are just like the germans who turned away their noses at the stench of the roasting jews as it wafted through their kitchens on spring days. People like YOU who say "that can't happen here" are going to be all alone when the rest of US who dare protest the horrors we see coming are carted off to the gulag. You have no idea of the depth of my love and fear FOR this nation. I would die for my country and my family, but I will not die for bush or for you new nazis. To see our once great constitution used as toilet paper by an evil, criminal and corrupt regime is without a doubt the most horrifying thing I have witnessed in my life. To know to the core of my being what horrors are coming brings me to my knees in fear -- and disgust. That's why I'm leaving this country, because I know you people can't be beaten. It took an entire planet united to bring down hitler and I fear that it will take far more to bring down the PNAC & bush regime. tracey e baur