“Ollie’s Contra-band” by Celerino Castillo
March 8, 2003
posted at DrugWar.com
March 21, 2003
For several years, I fought in the trenches of the front lines of the Reagan-Bush’s drug war. I was trying to stamp out what I had considered American’s greatest foreign threat. While our government shouted, “Just Say No”, entire Central and South American nations fell into what was known as “Cocaine Democracies”.
The man that brought us this epidemic is none other than former Lt. Col. Oliver North. Recently, I read an advertisement in the Monitor where an invitation was extended to Oliver North to speak at the annual meeting of the McAllen/Hidalgo County Salvation Army. The fundraiser is to be held on April 5, 2003 at the McAllen High School.
Oliver L. North, a Marine lieutenant colonel, was assigned to the National Security Council staff beginning in 1981 until he was fired on November 25, 1986. He was the White House official most directly involved in secretly aiding the Contras by selling arms to Iran. It was best known as; “the Iran-for-Hostages” weapons deal. The allegation was that he diverted Iran arms sales proceeds to the Contras' accounts. However, it was later determined that the diversion was not to the Contras but from the Contras to our governments' agents own Swiss bank accounts. It was also clear that North’s job at the NSC was to implement two of the President’s (Reagan) most important policy goals: the sustenance of the Contras despite the Boland prohibition on U.S. aid, and the release of American hostages being held by pro-Iranian terrorists in Beirut. It was clear that North worked tirelessly in pursuit of these goals.
During the Contra operation, Vice-President George H. Bush designated North and CIA Director William Casey, to coordinate the re-supply operation out of Ilopango airport in El Salvador. This he did, using assets already in place around General Richard Secord’s airlift operation at Ilopango. Former CIA agent Felix Rodriguez, and Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles ran the operations out of hangars 4 and 5. In October 1976, after an explosion sent a Cuban jetliner plummeting into the sea off Barbados, it was revealed that the mastermind behind the bombing was no other then Luis Posada. In late 2000, Luis Posada was arrested in a plot to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro.
At the height of the Contra war, I was stationed in El Salvador for 5 years as the only DEA agent. It was there that I came face to face with the contradictions of my assignments. I started to record intelligence on how known drug traffickers, with multiple DEA files, utilized hangars 4 and 5 to transport monies and drugs. The Contra supply operations utilized the most readily available capabilities: drug-smugglers, who had the planes and pilots to conduct clandestine flights from South and Central America to all parts of the United States. “Guns down, drugs back,” was the formula.