My parents own many rental properties in a small rural area of NC. Most of the jobs around here are low paying manufacturing (which are becoming less and less). Dad is the kind of landlord that everyone wishes for. He always works with the tenets, many times not requiring a deposit, letting some pay partial rent during hard times (lay offs, etc.), or even going down on the rent around Christmas so parents can afford to give gifts to their children.
Needless to say, my parents have been taken advantage of quite a few times. People moving out in the middle of the night, leaving the property pretty much trashed as well as just leaving junk that then has to be hauled off.
Despite getting burned several times Dad still shows compassion and figures if a tenet is at least trying then he will do his best to keep a roof over their head.
My parents have had several empty units lately and when people call to ask about the lease they are now asking for the rent to be reduced because "times are hard in NC". So Dad has reduced the rent on all his empty properties.
What gets me is all these people experiencing these hard times in NC are the ones who voted for bush. They are the ones that voted against their best interest. And they would be the first ones to bad mouth Democrats. Calling them bleeding heart liberals, commies, socialists, anti-American, etc.
Well I just want to say that my parents are Democrats and I guess they are bleeding heart liberals. My Dad served in the Navy for 25 years and is one of the most patriotic people I know.
I told my parents to change their rental application to include the questions: What is your political affiliation and who did you vote for? And if the prospective tenet answers "Bush" then charge them full price. Of course my parents would never do that.
I guess my heart just doesn't bleed for those who say "times are hard in NC". Will I ever get back the compassion I once had? Or the desire to help my fellow man even if he did vote for Bush? When will I get over the 2000 and 2004 elections?