"Its Guiliani Time!!!"
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:21 PM
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Does anyone remember those great one-page advertisements that they used to run in magazines during the 90's? It was always a really great picture that showed how piss poor some of his policies were with the words, Its Guiliani Time, written underneath. I believe the most famous one was a picture of that poor man and the plunger.
Why has this man escaped the questions? And why in the hell is he considered "America's Mayor". When is Karma gonna kick his ass?
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:24 PM
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1. I believe it is starting too |
The fact that his close buddy and BIG GOON Kerik is outed is a beginning. The new documentary "unjustifiable homicide" is out and reveals a lot of fascist Giuliani's indiscretions..... As they say "ALL IN GOOD TIME, ALL IN GOOD TIME"
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. "unjustifiable homicide"????? |
what one is that? i saw one a few months ago about the police killing 2 hispanic kids. they say guiliani and the police commisioner "covered up" evidence and swept it under the rug, but the mother of one of the boys killed started a grass roots efforts against the police brutality and indiscriminate killing of the poor during his years as mayor. they showed clips of guiliani's radio show and the mother would call in to his show. it was a good documentary.
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Tue Dec-14-04 07:48 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
14. unjustifiable homicide |
You are right about that....The 2 men who did that nasty deed....were EX Giuliani body guards and FRIENDS of Giuliani bodyguard Kerik...One of the reasons Kerik was promoted was his help in the cover-up and subsequent cover-ups in the NYPD...What people FORGET is...that before 9-11 fascistGiuliani was FINISHED in NY for all of his horrible policies and after 9-11 his so-called resurgence after ALL the photo opps at the expense of the VICTIMS ...has made him a multi-millionaire...I doubt he will EVER run for President NOW...he and Kerik thought they were given a free pass for ALL their past indiscretions because of 9-1...I guess they got shown the REALITY!!!
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:24 PM
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2. After weekend at Bernies is he out of consideration for anything? |
Other than cashing in on 9-11 the rest of his miserable life?
Sara Beverley
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:25 PM
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3. It may be happening now beginning with Kerik. |
You don't have to worry about Rudi running for President. You just have to worry about his company getting all those sweeheart deals from the government.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:32 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. What If Bushco nominated Kerik |
knowing that it would leak that he was a bad coice. Then gulliani would look bad and Jeb would be in line for 08.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:34 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. smirk don't need ghouliani anymore |
and he's always been pissed that rudi was the HERO of 9/11
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Tue Dec-14-04 01:18 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
10. Right, there can only be one emperor |
and his name must be George.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:35 PM
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Give goclark a seegar, somebody! (I don't smoke anymore)
We buy our tinfoil at the same store, I see... :tinfoilhat:
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Tue Dec-14-04 01:22 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
11. Yep, I wear my tinfoil hat proudly! |
It is amazing to me that Democrats will say, Oh they would never do something mean like that!"
I was talking to a Democrat last week that said the fraud in 2000 was worse than 2004!
Democrats can't even imagine how mean the Republicans are. We judge them on how we would react.
They are the bad seeds of the earth and they will do anything.
Rosemary's Baby is ROVE.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:40 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
9. We know the bush/rove mindset well... |
exactly how they work it out. Guliani was a hinder to the bush dynasty. So was JFK Junior.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:37 PM
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8. Remember too,he was em..."confused" when he married his cousin... |
He was confused because he couldn't remember if it was a second cousin or third. Ah,what the hell,let the screwing begin.
I bet they would have had some beautiful kids....
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Tue Dec-14-04 01:29 AM
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12. Guilani turned Manhatten into a Disney Mall |
check out a movie about the peole living in the sub way tunnels and storage units,he is as much of a hero as chimp and maggy thatcher.
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Tue Dec-14-04 01:30 AM
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Cspan had an interview of him in regards to Kerik. He was dancing like there was no tomorrow.
He knows the shit goes on him for this one.
Kerik needs to be investigated further on his authority abuses and potential mob connections.
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Tue Dec-14-04 07:59 AM
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15. I believe Giuliani's time is up. |
Despite the hype, he cannot make it through a GOP presidential primary because he isn't conservative enough. And IMO, he can't win the governorship of a state that fervently dislikes the man he just helped to re-elect president.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:32 AM
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