"government and medical institutions are sponsoring pharmaceutical terrorism and an insane war on drugs." As if we didn't know - but this report has some alarming statistics
The War on Drugs has so changed societal conditions that rural counties, which were once places so safe that people left their doors unlocked, are now quite dangerous. This war has been nothing short of disastrous for civilization; it,s a war not based on any kind of sane rationality, no logical reason, no lines to differentiate between legal and illegal, between alcohol and lighter drugs like Marijuana. But in essence, no rationalization justifies what America is doing to people and their families in the name of fighting drugs. The U.S. government propaganda about the "war on drugs" disguises the fact that this is a war on people. In a civilized society, war is a response by the government to a military attack from a hostile power.
In a civilized society, the government does not make war upon its own people./snip/
The United States government and most medical organizations will defend to the bitter end the safety of injecting mercury into little children while spending vast resources <5> to arrest and imprison up to 700,000 people a year in the United States alone for the use of one of the safest drug in existence <6> in their war on drugs. <7> According to House of Lords (UK) Report on Cannabis for Medical Purposes, "no-one has ever died as a direct and immediate consequence of recreational or medical use." <8> That makes marijuana the safest drug in the world, safer than Bayer Aspirin when you look at the fact that somewhere
between five hundred to one thousand people die each year in the United States from aspirin, <9> (and thousands more from other similar nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In the United States, more than 100,000 people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis are hospitalized every year for gastrointestinal problems caused by NSAIDs--and at least 16,500 of them die from internal bleeding. <10>
"xvi] A careful reading of the published medical research clearly demonstrates that all sensible concern for published scientific research regarding the toxicity of mercury has been cast aside exposing the entire world,s population to grave unwarranted harm. Mercury is a cumulative poison, and used with other toxic substances in medicine, like aluminum, antibiotics, and formaldehyde, create lethal and semi-lethal cocktails that damage human life. As each year passes scientists in laboratories around the world are showing that mercury poisoning is creating a wide swath of iatrogenic disease.
The Ontario Court of Appeal decided in July 2000 to strike down a federal law prohibiting the possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana. The court ruled that banning marijuana for medicinal purposes violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. One year later, Canada became the first country to adopt a system regulating the medicinal use of marijuana. "
well yeah - dis be Canada!
oh, and it's worth it to read the whole thing methinks
on the lighter side - - - - what do them icons do when ur not looking at your computer? (Flash Animation)