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Just saw a fluff piece on CBS Morning News about China and Wal-Mart.

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Ruffhowse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:02 AM
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Just saw a fluff piece on CBS Morning News about China and Wal-Mart.
Geez, I really believe the fact of conservative media bias now. I happen to know a little about China-US trade, and CBS just ignored all the economic problems we have with China right now such as the trade deficit, balance of payments owed to China, and loss of US jobs to cheap Chinese labor. CBS made it seem like everything was just wonderful in our trade relationship with China and that it was working great for both of us. They totally lied about our trade imbalance, indicating that the US ships as much in consumer goods to China as we import from them. This piece could have been written by the Chamber of Commerce, it was so pro business and the status quo.
Also, they said the average factory worker in China makes about 64 cents an hour, while the US counterpart makes $21 an hour. The 64 cents sounds about right, but do average US factory workers earn $21 an hour? That sounds very high to me. Any one know about this?
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China_cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:06 AM
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1. I'm not sure about elsewhere
but top dollar for manufacturing here in SC is $10/hr. Average is $7.50.

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KlatooBNikto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:06 AM
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2. $21 is correct if you include benefits but those are getting the ax
everywhere.If you just took the direct wages it is more like $10 an hour.
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quispquake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:11 AM
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3. I saw that last night on the Evening news too...
Sickening...also, not a single word about how Walmart will be allowing the Chinese to have unions (but not us...). It was SO whitewashed...

That was the end for me for corporate media...I've barely watched ANY since the election, and I don't plan on watching any more (other than occasionally checking out Olbermann). Between DU, & Democracy Now, I figure I'll be keeping up on the news a bit more unfiltered...
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SHRED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:21 AM
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4. Gross
Thom Hartmann summed it up well yesterday by stating that we are trading our country out for a bunch of cheap plastic crap from Wal Mart.

The trade imbalance sees mass amounts of dollars leaving this country to flow to foreign countries where they in turn buy companies and real estate in the USA and turn us in to a service/factory worker society while the profits return to the foreign "investors". When you factor in "off shore" tax havens and "outsourcing" the picture gets even uglier.

The bushies are killing this country with insane policies.
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The Zanti Regent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:22 AM
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5. What do you expect when WHORE MART sponsors CBS News?
Case Closed.

CBS Sells you out (AGAIN...)
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