I am _NOT_ accusing anyone of anything. These deaths may all be natural, and it is virtually impossible that they were all unnatural. I simply want to assemble a list of suspicious deaths that some have suspected to be political foul play:
- Danny Casolaro - Author of "The Octopus" The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro & Dead right (Spy Magazine)
- Steve Kangas - "Flew all the way to Pittsburg to shoot himself in the bathroom one floor below Scaife" - Evidence of Kangas' murder
- Athan Gibbs - Built vote-counting machine (TruVote) that actually counted votes - He wanted every vote to matter, Death of a Patriot
- Andrew Veal - Informed liberal who had front-row seat at the crooked 2002 Georgia election (in which Roy Barnes' 10-point lead turned into a 5-point defeat and Max Cleland's 2 to 5-point lead became a 7-point loss). Veal had worked in the University of Georgia survey research group for six years and ran a sizeable survey team until disappearing on Election Day and turning up dead at a secure Ground Zero location. He would have observed the same mismatches between surveys and vote "totals" in 2004. He would probably be posting on DU if he were alive. But Veal died under suspicious circumstances ("Police were investigating how Veal entered the former World Trade Center site, which is protected by high fences and owned by the Port Authority"). Possible misinformation was spread about motive, a suicide note, and the facts of how his body was found. The hotel that supposedly discovered his body explicitly denied the story, calling it impossible for any of their employees to have called it in because any such call would have been routed through the front desk.
- John Tower (April 5, 1991) - Protected Reagan-Bush against Iran-Contra then worked for Bush's election Guardian article
- John Heinz (April 5, 1991) - Co-chaired Iran-Contra investigation with Tower. Enormously popular centrist Republican: "'He was the peacemaker of the Republican Party,' one state Democrat said. 'Heinz was able to keep the conservatives at bay and the party in the mainstream.' Now, the Democrat said, he expects the Pennsylvania Republicans to swing to the right." Newsday article
- Sen. Paul Wellstone - "Wellstone's popularity surged after he voted to oppose the Senate resolution authorizing George Bush to wage war in Iraq" Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?
- Anthrax letters mailed to Sen. Pat Leahy, Sen. Tom Daschle, and Tom Brocaw Times (London)
- James Hatfield - author of "Fortunate Son," a biography that alleged Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972 but got off Bush Accuser Dies Of Drug Overdose
- David Kelly - One of world's greatest biological weapons experts; warned BBC of "sexed-up intelligence" about Iraq's purported WMDs Profile: Dr David Kelly
- Mark Lombardi - artist of "George W. Bush, Harken Energy and Jackson Stephens" - Toward a Diagram of Mark Lombardi
- Gary Webb - author of "Dark Alliance" (www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1888363932/)
- Admiral Boorda The death of Admiral Boorda
- Beverly Kees - co-author of "Nothing Sacred: Journalism, Politics and Public Trust in a Tell-All Age." Insider at Associated Press, which has come under great suspicion at DU: "served as the Associated Press Managing Editors Association committee chair, board member and secretary."
I just discovered
another long list titled "Bush Body Count" that lists two former CIA directors (Colby and Casey) and sixteen more people I have never even heard of. Could these *all* be coincidences? Could this possibly explain the reluctance of MSM and the Democratic establishment to step forward?